Who Are You Going To Call For A Water Leak The Atlanta Area?

Imagine, coming home from work and going through your mail to find your water bill.  You open it expecting to find the routine bill, but instead, it has doubled!

You think nothing has changed. Your water habits are the same, but what has changed?

Thinking it is a mistake, you call the water company. After being on hold and eventually talking to a real person, they suggest you may have a water leak. You tell them you don’t see any water leaking. 

They let you know, just because you don’t see a water leak, doesn’t mean you don’t have one. They went on to tell you, a water leak detection service can help you. If left unchecked, it can end up costing quite a bit of money in repairs and wasted water. 

How can a water leak end up costing you?

Who Are You Going To Call For A Water Leak The Atlanta Area? - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - 2(4)When there is a pipe leaking water behind the scenes in your home, it typically goes unnoticed. Even a little bit of water can have devastating effects. Including mold growth, weakening the structure of your home, pest infestation, damage to the flooring and walls. 

It can also lead to compromised water quality and even health risks. 

Detecting Water Leaks 

A higher than normal water bill is typically a warning, there is an issue. The sound of running water when the water is off, warm areas on the floor, unexplained mold or mildew, peeling paint, blistering wallpaper, puddles of water in the yard, the list goes on and on. 

So, who are you going to call when you can’t find that elusive water leak?

You want a reliable leak detection company, but you don’t want to break the bank! And you definitely don’t want some fly by night service, who will end up taking your money and not doing the work.

The Leak Doctor is more than just a water leak detection service near you, we provide fast and non-invasive leak detection and repair services for residential properties throughout Central Florida.

Our experienced technicians use advanced technology to quickly identify the source of your leak. As licensed plumbers, we have the training, skills, and tools needed to repair your leak on the spot.

Contact the Leak Doctor for more information or to make an appointment.

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The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.