Easy Tips To Find A Water/Plumbing Leak In Your Central Florida Home

You’ve just got your water bill and it was triple what you usually pay. What are you going to do? You can ignore it and hope for the best or investigate and look for a water leak. 

It could be in plain sight and an easy fix, this easy fix could save you thousands of dollars in repairs down the road. But since most pipes are hidden, behind walls, under the floor, and concrete slab, they may not be so easy to detect.  Here are a few tips to help locate a water leak. 

Easy Tips To Find A Water/Plumbing Leak

Check the water meter

Check the water meter by turning off all the water using appliances, make sure the washing machine, dishwasher, and faucets are off.  Go outside and look at the water meter, if it changes, there is a good chance you have a water leak.  Check back in a couple of hours, just make sure all the water stays off. If the meter changed, you probably have a water leak on your hands.

Inspect your home 

Walk around your home looking for any stains on the ceiling, baseboards, or walls. Water tends to take the path of least resistance. A leak in the upstairs bathroom can show up as a patch of discolored drywall downstairs, several feet from the bathroom. Also, walk around outside and look for any unusual puddles or greener than normal patches of grass. 

Stop and Listen 

With all water using appliances turned off, listen for any strange sounds, such as water running or dripping. Also check for any warm spots on the floor, which may indicate a slab leak.  Listen for any clanking or groaning sounds from your pipes, this can happen when abnormal pressurization occurs. 

Your Nose Knows

Have you noticed a musty or mildew odor in your home? That’s a good indication there is a water leak. 

A Spike in your water bill

A sudden increase in your water bill is a sign there is a water leak somewhere in your home. Don’t ignore this, it will just make the situation worse.

If you suspect a water/plumbing leak in your home and aren’t able to locate it, contact the Leak Doctor.  We offer the latest non-invasive technology and affordable pricing.


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The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.