Do You Have A Water/Plumbing Leak In Your Kissimmee/Clermont Home?

Almost 99% of the people living in Central Florida are unaware they have a water leak in their home or business until it's too late!  Unfortunately, water pipes don't last forever.  Over time the chemicals in the water can cause the pipes to rust and create pinhole leaks.

Whether it's a busted water pipe or a small leak, they both can cause  havoc in your home or business.  Behind every water leak, no matter how small, lurks other issues such as mold and mildew, without anyone realizing and the consequences can be devastating.  

That's where the professionals at the Leak Doctor come in.


When water leaks are concerned, it doesn't take much to disrupt and cause chaos in the family home.  Especially when you consider how many water pipes are throughout the  home, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, refrigerator, hot water heater, under your home, and out in the yard.  Spotting a water leak can consist of seeing water where you shouldn't, noticing the hot water heater is always running, noticing warm spots on the floor, or a water bill that is higher than usual.


No matter how large or small your business is any disruption can end up costing you time and money.  From a drop in water pressure, strange sounds, or visible damage, the business owner has an obligation to ensure the safety of their  patrons.

Today's water leak detection has become efficient, fast and easy.  The Leak Doctor has the sate of the art equipment, which can locate water leaks you didn't realize you had. 

How to Detect Atlanta Water/Plumbing Leaks

When your Atlanta area home or business has a plumbing leak, time is of the essence. Even a small water intrusion can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars in damages. A recent study by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety,...

How to Detect Atlanta Plumbing & Water Leaks

The Leak Doctor usually gets a call from someone in the Atlanta area who received a higher than usual water bill, whether it has been steadily creeping up or it suddenly spiked. Or it could have been the mold growing they noticed growing where it...

Orlando Water Leaks & Corroded Pipes

Unfortunately, as pipes age in Central Florida they fall victim to rust, corrosion, pinhole leaks and breakage.  Corrosion occurs when acids found in water produce pits in the pipes, which eventually turn into pinhole size leaks. ...

Don't Miss Orlando's 'Fix a Leak Week'

Water leaks can run, but they can’t hide! Chasing down leaks and repairing them not only saves water, but also money! Mark your calendar for the EPA’s annual Fix a Leak Week, March 18 through 24, 2019.  The fact is, it just takes...

Atlanta Water Leaks from Pipe Corrosion

Do you know what the most common water problem facing Atlanta homeowners? Pipe Corrosion!  What is pipe corrosion? Corrosion happens when the chemicals and minerals in water slowly dissolve the inside of the pipes. Causing them to...

Affordable Orlando Plumbing Leak Detection

Water pipe corrosion is very common in metal plumbing system. It is typically caused by age and oxidation. Not only can it leave your home or business vulnerable to damage from leaks and water contamination, which are both a recipe for complications...

The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.