Florida's 24/7 Emergency Water Leak Detection Service

Residential leak on ceiling for Leak Doctor's servicing in Central Florida area

The Genuine Leak Doctor

Leak Doctor provides fast and non-invasive leak detection and repair services for residential properties throughout the Central Florida area. Our experienced local plumbing technicians use advance technology to quickly identify the source of your leak. As a licensed plumbing company, we have the training, skills, and tools needed to repair your leak on the spot.

Why Choose Us For Your Leak Detection and Repair?

  • We're committed to providing responsive service for every aspect of your leak problem.
  • We will explain our leak detection and repair process to you every step of the way.
  • We offer the most cost-effective, real-time solutions to your leak problems.
  • We check your plumbing system and make the correct diagnosis for your leak problem.
  • We use state-of-the-art equipment to avoid any damage to your property.


Financing Options from GreenSky
Finance Your Plumbing Project
4129 - No Interest if Paid in Full within 12 Months
4123 - 12 Months No Interest, with Payments (36 months) - (24 Principal Pmts)
4069 - No Interest if Paid in Full within 6 Months
4063 - 6 Months No Interest, with Payments (36 months) - (30 Principal Pmts)
Financing for GreenSky © credit programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex or familial status. NMLS #1416362; CT SLC-1416362; NJMT #1501607 C22

What Sets Us Apart? Our Advanced Technology.

Ultrasound Our technicians are trained to utilize the most advanced digital ultrasonic inspection system. Even the tiniest leak makes a traceable noise.
Endoscopic Video Our video inspection equipment
allows us to see inside your plumbing system to detect unexplained blockages and cracks.
Thermography Our state-of-the-art thermography can identify structural leaks and tiny temperature differences to find the origin of structural leaks. *Only available in FL
(!) COVID-19 Update from Leak Doctor
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